2010年11月13日SSAT考试成绩揭晓,许多同学普遍抱怨“单词难背,背了也没考,考了也不会”,甚至搬出所谓的“背词无用论”,殊不知,在同学们抱怨的时候,已经在大洋彼岸求学4个月的中国才女Nie拿到了本次SSAT考试2262的高分,百分比97%,再加上托福108分,理论上说,她已经具备申请任何北美私立高中名校的条件,剩下的工作就是由她挑选学校,而不再是学校挑选她了。 以下是Nie的成绩单: ================================================================= Your SSAT Scores Upper Level Score Range : 500-800 Verbal Score 770 (Personal Score Range: 749 - 791, SSAT Percentile 95%) Math Score 800 (Personal Score Range: 779 - 800, SSAT Percentile 99%) Reading Score 692 (Personal Score Range: 671 - 713, SSAT Percentile 78%) Total Score 2262 (Personal Score Range: NA, SSAT Percentile 97%) ==================================================================== Nie是我最欣赏的学生之一,天赋极佳又异乎勤奋,让我有理由相信她有能力实现她所有的理想。她给我发来成绩单之后,我请她谈谈她的“背词心经”,或许对我现在的学生们有用,对正在饱受SSAT煎熬却又迷茫的同学们有用,她慷慨地回信与我分享。在此我将全文附上并翻译成中文,供家长和同学们参考:(我们会注意到她的英文文笔很好,之前她还跟我学托福作文,考试中作文部分满分。) Dear Mr. Liao, Mom just told me that you would like me write something about how to expand the vocab. Actually I started to memorize the words in that GRE red book in July, and I finished it one month before I took this SSAT test in Nov. I did not prepare for SSAT until Oct. So it had been just a month I prepared for the SSAT. I found out that the SSAT words were actually the most common used words in classes in American high schools. Moreover, the reading passages in SSAT were not only literature, but also other kinds of materials. Similar materials can also be seen in the textbooks. I had some new understandings of SSAT. It is a standardized test to see if one can do well in the classes in American high schools. But anyway, I will tell you sth. about my experience preparing for this. Everyone has his or her own method to memorize words. The most important thing is to find out what method is the most helpful for him or her. I like to put all the words in a word file on the computer, and then look up every word at GOOGLE dictionary. Then just copy and paste the definitions to the word file. In this way it saves lots of time and it is easy to memorize after printing the word file, because it is clear to read. The key to memorize words is repetition. To repeat memorizing the words in a day or two can be really really helpful. I will talk to you later and hopefully the things I wrote above can be helpful for your lectures. Best regards, Nie 亲爱的廖老师: 妈妈刚才告诉我你希望我能够写些背词心得与同学们分享。其实我从7月才开始背新东方红宝书里的单词,直到11月份考试前一个月才背完。我直到10月才准备本次SSAT考试(注:Nie今年4月已经考过第一次SSAT,2187分),我就复习SSAT一个月而已。 我觉得SSAT词汇其实就是美国高中教科书中最常见的词汇了。并且,SSAT的阅读篇目不仅是文学方面的,还包括了其他很多方面。相似的材料在教科书中都可以找到。我对SSAY有了新的认识,它是一个标准化考试,考查学生能否具备在美国高中学习的能力。但是不管怎么说,我会告诉你我的备考心得和体会。 每个人都有自己不同的方法背单词,最重要的是找对方法。我喜欢把所有词汇输入电脑,弄成一个文档,并且每一个词都放在谷歌词典里查,然后把每个释义都复制粘贴到word文档中(注:就跟编词汇书一样,小姑娘真是太厉害了)。这样就节约了很多时间并且很容易就背下了单词,因为在文档里的单词很清晰明白了。背单词的关键在于重复。一天之内的多次反复背词真的真的很有用! 我晚些时候跟您再聊,希望我写的心得对您的课程有帮助。 祝好