We will have those days from time to time. Life is short,we all need to have a good recall, realized that life can be very good. If youlove your life, your life will be full of love. 我们时不时都会有不顺心的日子。人生苦短,我们都需要好好回想一下,意识到生活是可以很美好的。如果你爱你的生活,你的生活就会充满爱。 1. Be optimistic. Think of life in the best light, andfind the better side of any situation. You would be amazed at how much morethere is in life than the usual negative side. 1.要乐观。要想生活中最美好的一面,无论遇到什么情况,都要看到好的方面。你会惊奇地发现,原来生活中除了你看到的消极的一面外,还有更多有意义的事。
2. Live every present moment to the fullest. Don't wastea single second being sad, or bored, or even lonely. Get out and dance, andsing as if your life depends on it. You never know how long it is going tolast. 2.活出精彩每一刻。不要浪费任何时间让自己悲伤、苦闷或孤僻。走出去,去欢歌起舞,就像这些都是生活必须的事情一样。因为你永远不知道快乐的时光会持续多久。
3. Be of service to others and forget about yourself.Always give more than you receive, and share with others. Do less for yourself,and more for the others around you. Also when you do the right thing you feelfantastic. 3.服务他人,忘记自我。一定要多付出少索取,并与他人分享。少为自己谋私,多为他人服务。当你做正确的事情时,你会感觉棒极了。
4. Be kind to everyone. Kindness is the true key tounlocking your own happiness and joy. When others notice your kindness,they will pleasingly return it. Make as many friends as you can, and help themwhen they are down, as you never know when you will need them when times arehard. 4.善待每一个人。善良是开启幸福和快乐之门的真正钥匙。当他人感觉到你的善意,他们也会很乐意地回报你。尽量多交朋友,并在他们失落的时候帮助他们,因为你永远不知道自己什么时候会遇到困难并需要得到他们的帮助。
5. Be quiet and meditate on life. Sometimes just sit orstand somewhere peacefully and think about what you have achieved, what you areabout to achieve, or what you want to achieve, and sometimes yourmind will hit you. You will feel more respect for life. 5.静思人生。有时候不妨找个地方,平静地坐着或站着思考自己已经得到的一切、即将会得到的一切、或是渴望得到的一切,有时候你会有所顿悟。你会对生命更加的敬重。
6. Try to laugh often. This is probably the mostimportant point in this piece of writing. Laughter is the most important thingin life. Laugh frequently and smile often. 6.试着经常笑。这或许是这篇文章中最重要的一点了。笑是生命中最重要的事情。要经常开怀大笑,时刻保持微笑。
7. Live in the present. Forget about the past, becausethere is nothing you can do about it. Don't worry about the future, as youbuild it with each present moment, and if you forget to live in the moment, youwould be surprised at how quickly you'd missed the good times. 7.活在当下。忘记过去吧,因为过去的事情你已经无法改变。不要担心未来,因为你正在用现在的每一刻创造看未来。如果你忘了活在当下的话,你会惊讶地发现,美好的时光是如此之快地与你擦身而过。
8. Do what you enjoy. If you have wanted to learnsomething, or seek improving on a skill you already have, just go for it! Don'tlet anyone stop you from doing what you love, and if you really feelcomfortable doing it, then don't hold back. As if you do, you are going toregret it later. 8.做自己喜欢的事情。如果你想学点什么,或者想提升自己的某项技能,那就只管去做吧!不要让任何人阻止你做自己喜欢的事情,如果你真的感觉乐在其中,那就不要却步。否则,你以后会后悔的。